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The Charlotte Observer Mentions Parker Poe's Role in 'Uptown Corridor Growth'

  • August 14, 2019

The Charlotte Observer mentioned Parker Poe's role in a booming corridor of uptown Charlotte.  

The article describes the latest "milestone in a changing Stonewall Street corridor" as Bank of America employees moved into Legacy Union, and it noted that Parker Poe will move in next year. Legacy Union is a signature 10-acre development that is redefining the southern perimeter of uptown Charlotte with a mix of Class A office space, retail, and other amenities. 

The story also detailed the high-tech nature of the workspace, the variety of businesses and developments that part of uptown is attracting, and the overall energy of the Stonewall Street corridor. 

You can read the full article here. The Charlotte Observer is the leading newspaper in the Charlotte region. 

You can also learn more about Parker Poe's Charlotte office move here